Process Control Systems

Process Control Systems

The LASCON® (laser controller) process control manager enables precise temperature control by measures the temperature and adjusting the power in real time.

Pictures of the system / The software output / The accuracy

The most popular process monitoring system in the laser industry it includes a pyrometer sensor and software. It allows you to program, measure, monitor, and visualize power and temperature readings on your workpiece.

  • Over 1700 installations worldwide
  • 20 years in the market
  • Algorithm superior to PID control
  • Support complete pyrometer recalibration after software install
  • Temperature measurement traceable to standards
  • Flexible script editor to set up complex laser processes
  • Wire feed and ZoOOM functions integrated in software

The standard 10kHz unit uses infrared (IR) or 2 colors to measure the temperature on the workpiece 10,000 times per second and compares it to a target value set in the software. For any difference the system adjusts the power input using an analogue signal. It can also control inductors and other heat sources. The processes are monitored, stored and visualized. The data can be exported automatically or manually to an external server. The software includes an easy to use script editor. It includes functions like managing the solder wire feeder using the script.
